im·age | \ ˈi-mij
1. a visual representation of something
2. a picture in your mind
Image - According to the dictionary, a visual representation of something.
For Plato, a picture in your mind.
For Aristotle, is a sense perception, a mental picture which resemble material objects.
In common sense, as a means to express ideas.
And early on I realized my passion to this process of representing the world, language and expressing myself through images.
A large percentage of our information comes to us in visual form, and is perceived as patterns of color.
Inspires me blend and balance colors and images to stimulate the visual perception.

I really enjoy the adventure of travel and photography, and I draw my inspiration from simple and majestic things that happen within nature - the ocean, the sun, moon, forest, waterfalls, are all recurring themes in my personal work.
I spent a year in North America looking for personal development, living in Toronto and Los Angeles, where I was lucky enough to learn from the best. Joel Sartore and Dana Glunckstein at the Los Angeles Centre for Photography inspired me to develop my personal work that explores themes of nature and start a stock image collection.

I’m an experienced senior retoucher, for over 20 years I’ve been working with the best Advertising agency in São Paulo and some abroad.
I've been working remotely for 10 years, delivering images with great quality and efficiency.

I started experimenting with coloring films, when I realized how transferable my color grading knowledge of stills images could be for movies.

These influences are visible in the result of my pieces today. I’m happiest working side-by-side with people who care about the beauty in the work as much as I do.
I’ve had the privilege to work with photographers and art directors that inspire me every day. My best comes through high end retouching for Fashion & Beauty, impossible and surrealist composition, and high quality colour management.

Nowadays I've been in love with movement photos, animated gifs and cinemagraphs.

Agencies I've work with:

Doing work for these brands:

To hire me for a Project: